Pembroke Castle News

Dig Diaries Day 7

Dig Diaries Day 7

Taken from Dyfed Archaeological Trust's Dig Diaries. Members of the Castle Studies Trust who are funding the investigation visited the site today to check on progress and have a tour of the site and the Castle.  We hope they were impressed with the work that our volunteers have done...

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Dig Diaries Day 6

Dig Diaries Day 6

Taken from Dyfed Archaeological Trust's Dig Diaries. Our first day of bad weather meant a very slow start in the morning. Rita, Hazel, Helen and Nigel spent the day sorting the finds out that we have had - washing and sorting the cleaned finds for bagging up. Gaynor, Joan, Rob and Jude...

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Dig Diaries Day 5

Dig Diaries Day 5

Taken from Dyfed Archaeological Trust's Dig Diaries. Very good progress removing the almost all of the remaining backfill from Trench 1 to reveal a rubble collapse layer - pre-dating the 1930s excavations.  Neil Ludlow, castles expert, has also been on-site this afternoon.  The...

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Dig Diaries Day 4

Dig Diaries Day 4

Taken from Dyfed Archaeological Trust's Dig Diaries.

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Dig Diaries Day 3

Dig Diaries Day 3

Taken from Dyfed Archaeological Trust's Dig Diaries.

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Dig Diaries Day 2

Dig Diaries Day 2

Taken from Dyfed Archaeological Trust's Dig Diaries.

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