Wogan Cavern Archaeological Excavation


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Wogan Cavern Archaeological Excavation

From 17th June to 12th July there will be an archaeological excavation of Wogan Cavern taking place every day.  

The work will be conducted by a team of highly experienced archaeologists who are hoping to uncover fresh evidence of how the cave was used by humans and Ice Age animals many thousands of years ago.  

It will be important during this period to keep the cave closed to enable their work to be conducted without any interruptions. However, we are able to provide our castle visitors with some information on how things are progressing through our daily 'Cave Catchup' sessions.  

During these sessions a Castle Tour Guide will be in the Great Hall above the cave for approx one hour.  So our visitors will be able to chat with the guide who will offer the latest information on the progress of the dig.  There will also be the opportunity to see the dig site on a live video feed from the cave while the dig is in progress, and the chance to view replica artifacts of items identical to those that have been discovered at the site.  

These sessions will take place at 1pm and 3pm every day from 17th June to 12th July and there is no need to book.  Just pay to enter the castle or use your annual pass and come along.  

Closed for Event